
Derby jamia mosque namaz timetable 2021
Derby jamia mosque namaz timetable 2021

derby jamia mosque namaz timetable 2021 derby jamia mosque namaz timetable 2021

The aim of this website Inshallah is to develop a software that will make finding mosques more easy on the web, we are employing better techniques to resolve any inconsistencies in other directories as we have developed an in-house data mining application, basically checks data against other sites, our mosques are sourced from online and offline and we are now working with councils, UK Land Registry Office, UK Charity commission and other organizations to keep our data up-to-date. Perform prayer, before the prayer (funeral prayer) be performed on you.Welcome to this website, I very much hope you found this resource centre useful and reliable and we are constantly working hard to provide the most reliable information about our mosques. "Lo Salaat restrains from shameful and unjust deeds." (Al-Qur'an 29:45) “Their flesh and their blood reach not Allah, but devotion from you reaches to him.” (Al-Qura’n 22:37) "Woe unto worshippers who are heedless of their Salaat who want but to be seen at Salaat." (Al-Qur'an 107:4-6)

derby jamia mosque namaz timetable 2021

"When they (the Hypocrites) stand up for Salaat they perform it without earnestness and want but to be seen by men and are mindful of Allah but little." (Al-Qur'an 4:142) Highly recommended to perform wudu/ablution at home.Anyone not feeling well SHOULD not come to the masjid.Highly recommended to wear f ace m ask in Masjid

Derby jamia mosque namaz timetable 2021